New in 90

Read the New Testament in 90 Days!

Day 84: Revelation 1-3

Today’s reading comes from Revelation 1-3 follow the link provided here to read the ESV online. You can get a copy of the New in 90 reading schedule here.

Now and Then

Revelation is the book where it all comes together for me. You can’t really appreciate this book until you have read the rest of the Bible. Every evil thing that entered the world through sin  in Genesis becomes “untrue” in Revelation. Sin and man’s rebellion are dealt with in an ultimate way so that all who receive Jesus are welcomed home into the eternal presence of God never to be separated again.

These first few chapters reveal Christ in all his glorious radiance and a few important messages to seven first century churches who received a personal letter from Him. The church at Laodicea is one of the passages that God used to convert me.

What did you take away from today’s passage? What are your thoughts?

Don’t forget to also check out  and for other insights and thoughts on today’s reading.

Day 83: 2 John, 3 John, Jude

Today’s reading comes from 2 John, 3 John, and Jude follow the link provided here to read the ESV online. You can get a copy of the New in 90 reading schedule here.

2 John 4, 3 John 4

I have no greater joy than to hear my children are walking in the Truth. As a minister and as a father, one of the greatest burdens that I carry is wondering and hoping that those I have taught, especially my very own children will one day walk with faith of their own and rightly apply God’s word to whatever circumstance or situation they find themselves.  There is nothing that brings me greater joy than to hear from former students about how they are walking in the way of the Lord and God’s word is guiding their footsteps.

What did you take away from today’s passage? What are your thoughts?

Don’t forget to also check out  and for other insights and thoughts on today’s reading.

Day 82: 1 John 4-5

Today’s reading comes from 1 John 4-5 follow the link provided here to read the ESV online. You can get a copy of the New in 90 reading schedule here.

1 John 4:1

Test the Spirits. Not everyone claiming the name of Jesus carries the same message. Mormons don’t. Jehovah’s witnesses don’t. Just because someone has a bit of good Jesus speak doesn’t mean that they are actually of Jesus… also allow some grace for people to be a little different than you, but still believe in the deity and humanity of Jesus. Just because a person has a different stance on election or the use of charismatic gifts does not mean that they are not a brother in the faith.


What did you take away from today’s passage? What are your thoughts?

Don’t forget to also check out  and for other insights and thoughts on today’s reading.

Day 81: 1 John 1-3

Today’s reading comes from 1 john 1-3 follow the link provided here to read the ESV online. You can get a copy of the New in 90 reading schedule here.

1 John 3:1

There is a transformative power to being adopted into a family. Though not always suddenly, identity begins to transfer from what it was to what it is to be a member of the new family. And so it is with being adopted into the family of God. We are no longer identified as sinners, but rather as children of God. And as our identity changes, our heart changes. We want to be more like God… to see our potential as it once was (before the fall).

Then the impossible begins to happen. We begin to love others because of the way that God has loved us. We change.


What did you take away from today’s passage? What are your thoughts?

Don’t forget to also check out  and for other insights and thoughts on today’s reading.

Day 80: 2 Peter

Today’s reading comes from 2 Peter follow the link provided here to read the ESV online. You can get a copy of the New in 90 reading schedule here.

2 Peter 3:3

Sometimes it’s not hard to figure out why the world would reject the gospel. Given the choice of accepting Jesus as Lord or playing the imposter and taking the title for themselves they would rather play the king for a day than see Him as Lord of all…

When discussing Worldview all one has to really do is ask the question of those who scoff at Christianity from a Secular perspective is this… Then who gets to decide? You will quickly discover that it’s simply a guise for “I get to do what I want.” Thankfully, even in a fallen world a bit of the image of God shines through and we are not ruled by anarchy.

Scoffers, scoff because they don’t want it to be true.

What did you take away from today’s passage? What are your thoughts?

Don’t forget to also check out  and for other insights and thoughts on today’s reading.

Day 79: 1 Peter 4-5

Today’s reading comes from 1 Peter 4-5 follow the link provided here to read the ESV online. You can get a copy of the New in 90 reading schedule here.

1 Peter 5:5

You think we would all know by now that pride isn’t the road best suited for those who will follow Christ. Yet we see many men and women who claim his name traveling that road too often. I confess that if present no other place than in the secret chambers of my heart that I too have often faced my own struggles with this wretched beast.

Pride takes a great work of God and calls it a great work of man. Pride even hampers the movement of God by presuming to lead in such a way as the work of the Holy Spirit seems unnecessary.

Without doubt, both the man and the woman were given dominion over all creation and there is a sense with which we should act with competence. But our competence is mirror the glory of God, pride is an attempt to usurp it. Hence when Satan fell from heaven, it was pride and when Adam and Eve ate from the one tree in all creation that they didn’t have dominion over… it was pride that caused our fall as well.

Humility reflects the sovereign rule and reign of God over everything and those of us who have been saved from our sins should be the humblest of all.


What did you take away from today’s passage? What are your thoughts?

Don’t forget to also check out  and for other insights and thoughts on today’s reading.

Day 78: 1 Peter 1-3

Today’s reading comes from 1 Peter 1-3 follow the link provided here to read the ESV online. You can get a copy of the New in 90 reading schedule here.

1 Peter 3:7

Sometimes the way we treat other people hinders our ability to prayer or the effectiveness of our prayers. That’s at least what Peter says about how husbands ought to treat their wives. Our relationship to others really does matter when it comes to the business of prayer. How is your relationship with those closest to you right now? Have you been a good husband, father, mother, wife, son, daughter, etc. Are you honoring God in your relationships or do you sin quite often and still expect to go to God with grace and ease in your prayer life.

Sometimes the most effective thing we can do to increase our prayer life is to repent of our sin to those we have offended and seek healthy relationships… Then our burdens flow freely to the Lord.


What did you take away from today’s passage? What are your thoughts?

Don’t forget to also check out  and for other insights and thoughts on today’s reading.

Day 77: James

Today’s reading comes from James follow the link provided here to read the ESV online. You can get a copy of the New in 90 reading schedule here.

James 3:15 – have you ever considered that sometimes what we call wisdom may end up being demonic? Not that I’m saying God is against smarts… Just the opposite, we are to have a renewed mind. But that sometimes the lines we sell ourselves are actually just lies from the pit of Hell. Like when someone says that they’d be happier if they were divorced and were back on the dating scene… not Godly wisdom!!! That’s a lie meant to wreck you.

A little dope won’t make you feel better in the long run. Alcohol doesn’t really numb the emotional pain, sir, your getting drunk maybe what is causing all the pain (for you and for others). And a little slice of chocolate cake for dessert with enough frequency will kill you just as dead as those cigarettes will.

Worldly wisdom, demonic wisdom is persuasive, but it isn’t really wisdom. It’s a lie dressed up as the truth and sold in the package of “looking out for number one,” or “it will make me “feel” better.” Don’t buy it. Get your wisdom from God… Submit to God, Resist the Devil… and He will flee from you.


What did you take away from today’s passage? What are your thoughts?

Don’t forget to also check out  and for other insights and thoughts on today’s reading.

Day 76: Hebrews 11-13

Today’s reading comes from Hebrews 11-13 follow the link provided here to read the ESV online. You can get a copy of the New in 90 reading schedule here.

There is a greater reward for seeking God in the age of persecution than their is in seeking comfort from persecution. There is a greater, deeper, longer lasting joy that comes from redemption that makes the bearing of mocking, scourging, and even death bearable. Some people believe God and things work out to where they are saved from the edge of the sword… other times the same belief leads to being sawn in two. Both beliefs hinged on the truth that God is who He says He is and that He rewards those who seek Him.

What did you take away from today’s passage? What are your thoughts?

Don’t forget to also check out  and for other insights and thoughts on today’s reading.

Day 75: Hebrews 9-10

Today’s reading comes from Hebrews 9-10 follow the link provided here to read the ESV online. You can get a copy of the New in 90 reading schedule here.

We have a greater sacrifice. That is in essence what Hebrews 9 and 10 remind us. That Jesus offered himself on our behalf, a perfect spotless sacrifice. Why then should we wonder at what the world around us does? We have atonement for our sins, peace with God. The Hebrews were suffering the plundering of their property. They were seeing their stuff taken and perhaps even members of their fellowship thrown in jail. But what they couldn’t see was the once and for all peace with God that had been established on their behalf by Jesus. Peace with God was far more costly than what they were losing to a world that persecuted them.

Sometimes we need to be reminded that God has done far more for us in Jesus than we often give him credit for. The plundering of property seems like a small things compared to eternal life in Christ Jesus.

What did you take away from today’s passage? What are your thoughts?

Don’t forget to also check out  and for other insights and thoughts on today’s reading.

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