New in 90

Read the New Testament in 90 Days!

Day 77: James

Today’s reading comes from James follow the link provided here to read the ESV online. You can get a copy of the New in 90 reading schedule here.

James 3:15 – have you ever considered that sometimes what we call wisdom may end up being demonic? Not that I’m saying God is against smarts… Just the opposite, we are to have a renewed mind. But that sometimes the lines we sell ourselves are actually just lies from the pit of Hell. Like when someone says that they’d be happier if they were divorced and were back on the dating scene… not Godly wisdom!!! That’s a lie meant to wreck you.

A little dope won’t make you feel better in the long run. Alcohol doesn’t really numb the emotional pain, sir, your getting drunk maybe what is causing all the pain (for you and for others). And a little slice of chocolate cake for dessert with enough frequency will kill you just as dead as those cigarettes will.

Worldly wisdom, demonic wisdom is persuasive, but it isn’t really wisdom. It’s a lie dressed up as the truth and sold in the package of “looking out for number one,” or “it will make me “feel” better.” Don’t buy it. Get your wisdom from God… Submit to God, Resist the Devil… and He will flee from you.


What did you take away from today’s passage? What are your thoughts?

Don’t forget to also check out  and for other insights and thoughts on today’s reading.

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